

时间:2024-10-06 10:52:02 作者:LOL(s14)全球总决赛竞猜官网 阅读:

本文摘要:Scientists revealed an asteroid dubbed by some as a city killer came closer to the Earth than the moon this week.科学家透漏本周有一颗被科学家戏称为“城市刺客”的小行星距离地球比月球还将近。

Scientists revealed an asteroid dubbed by some as a city killer came closer to the Earth than the moon this week.科学家透漏本周有一颗被科学家戏称为“城市刺客”的小行星距离地球比月球还将近。The Washington Post reported that scientists apparently had no idea it was coming.《华盛顿邮报》报导称之为科学家似乎不告诉这颗小行星邻近。Asteroid 2019 OK came hurtling toward Earth at a speed of nearly 15 miles a second, before flying past.小行星2019 OK以相似15英里/秒的速度狂奔向地球,然后从地球边横过。

According to NASA, it was about 45,000 miles from Earth on July 25.NASA称之为7月25日它距离地球大约45000英里近。It would have hit with over 30 times the energy of the atomic blast at Hiroshima, astronomer professor Alan Duffy told the Sydney Morning Herald.天文学教授Alan Duffy对《悉尼先驱晨报》说道:“碰撞威力多达广岛原子弹发生爆炸能量的30倍”。

Duffy called the zooming space rock a city killer.Duffy将这颗超高速的太空岩石称作“城市刺客”。Astronomers say it posed no immediate threat but they admit they had no idea the giant rock was headed our way, because it came from the direction of the sun.天文学家说道它并不包含必要威胁,但他们否认并不知道这个极大岩石朝我们飞到,因为它来自太阳的方向。The asteroid, about the size of a large boulder, only became visible a few days ago.这颗大约为巨石大小的小行星几天前才能被仔细观察到。

There are 20,000 near-Earth asteroids and they do occasionally make an appearance. In 2013, one slammed into Russia, injuring 1,600 people.近地小行星有20,000颗,有时候不会经常出现。2013年有一颗小行星撞到了俄罗斯,导致1600人伤势。

At a conference in April, scientists from around the world were asked how to respond to a make-believe scenario in which an asteroid big enough to destroy a major city might be on track to strike the Earth in eight years.四月份一次会议上,全球的科学家被问到假设一颗不足以毁坏一个大城市的小行星八年内会碰撞地球,该如何应付。The likely response would be using space ships to give the asteroid a nudge, one scientist said.一位科学家说道:“不切实际的方法是利用宇宙飞船引一下这颗小行星”。All we have to do is change its speed a little faster or a little slower so that when it crosses Earths orbit, it crosses either in front of us or behind us, said Dr. Lori Glaze, director of planetary science at NASA.NASA行星科学部负责人Lori Glaze博士说道:“我们必须做到的就是将其速度逆快一点或减慢一点,让其经过地球轨道时要么往前稍一点,要么往后稍一点”。




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