

时间:2024-10-11 10:52:02 作者:LOL(s14)全球总决赛竞猜官网 阅读:

本文摘要:Microsoft has bought LinkedIn for $26.2bn, as the Seattle-based software company seeks to expand its reach into professional networking.微软公司(Microsoft)以262亿美元并购了领英(LinkedIn),这家总部坐落于美国西雅图的软件公司谋求将触角伸至职业社交领域。

Microsoft has bought LinkedIn for $26.2bn, as the Seattle-based software company seeks to expand its reach into professional networking.微软公司(Microsoft)以262亿美元并购了领英(LinkedIn),这家总部坐落于美国西雅图的软件公司谋求将触角伸至职业社交领域。The deal is Microsoft’s biggest-ever acquisition, and follows a pattern of bold moves by chief executive Satya Nadella to reinvent the company that is known primarily as the maker of the Windows operating system.这笔仅有现金交易是微软公司有史以来仅次于一笔并购,也是科技行业今年目前为止仅次于的并购交易。它合乎其首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德纳(Satya Nadella)一连串大胆措施的模式,目的是再生这家主要以研发Windows操作系统著称的公司。

The offer of $196 a share represents a 50 per cent premium to LinkedIn’s closing price on Friday and is inclusive of the professional networking website’s net cash.每股196美元的收购价相对于领英上周五的收盘价有50%的溢价,且还包括了该职业社交网站的净现金。LinkedIn’s shares have fallen 40 per cent over the past year, and plummeted when the company lowered its outlook for professional subscription services revenues.领英的股价在过去一年暴跌了40%,在该公司上调职业订阅者服务收入的预测后一度下跌。Chief executive Jeff Weiner will remain chief executive of LinkedIn, and founder Reid Hoffman will remain board chairman.领英首席执行官杰夫·韦纳(Jeff Weiner)将复职原职,创始人雷德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)也依然任董事会主席。A slump in tech stocks this year could lead to further consolidation in the sector, according to analysts. Twitter and Yahoo are also seen as possible acquisition targets.据分析师称之为,今年科技股的下滑可能会引导该行业更进一步统合。

推特(Twitter)和雅虎(Yahoo)也被视作有可能的并购目标。The news sent LinkedIn’s shares up 50 per cent in pre-market trading. Microsoft shares fell 4 per cent.这一消息令其领有英股价攀升了47%,而微软公司的股价下跌了2%。In an email to staff, Mr Nadella said: “This deal brings together the world’s leading professional cloud with the world’s leading professional network…LinkedIn will retain its distinct brand and independence, as well as their culture which is very much aligned with ours.”纳德纳在致全体员工的一份电邮中说道:“这笔交易把全球顶尖的专业云端服务和全球顶尖的职业社交网络融合到一起……领英将保有其特有品牌和独立性,以及其企业文化——它跟我们的文化非常与众不同。

”Mr Nadella added that any staff not already using the network should “join up now and start using and learning more”.纳德纳补足道,仍未开始用于领英网的员工应当“现在就重新加入,开始更好地用于和自学”。Benedict Evans, partner at Andreessen Horowitz, tweeted that the deal was part of Microsoft’s attempts to recreate “the connective tissue for enterprises”. However, he said LinkedIn would “take a lot of fixing”.风险投资公司Andreessen Horowitz的合伙人本尼迪克特·埃文斯(Benedict Evans)在Twitter上发帖称之为,这笔交易是微软公司造“企业结缔组织”尝试的一部分。

但他回应,领英将“必须很多修复工作”。Mr Evans added that it helped that they could do this without the “media distraction” of shareholders.埃文斯补足说道,两家公司的股东并未被“媒体迟疑”,这有助他们达成协议这笔交易。Ben Wood, an analyst at CCS Insight, said LinkedIn was a “valuable asset” that Microsoft could be deeply integrated with number of Microsoft products such as Office 365, Exchange and Outlook.市场研究公司CCS Insight的分析师本·伍德(Ben Wood)说道,领英是一项“有价值的资产”,可用作跟一系列微软公司产品展开深度统合,如Office 365、Exchange和Outlook。LinkedIn’s stock was hit at the beginning of the year amid concerns that the company’s growth may be slowing and that the subscription service it sells to recruiters could be hit by a global economic slowdown.领英的股价在年初受到抨击,有忧虑称该公司快速增长不会上升,而它向招聘者销售的订阅者服务不会受到全球经济上升影响。

However, the network does have opportunities in China and India. It is the only major US social network to operate in China, where it has launched both the global network and a separate app tailored to the Chinese professional world.然而,该网站在中国和印度都有机遇。它是在中国运营的唯一一家美国主流社交网络,它在中国发售了其全球网络和一个专为中国职场打造出的app。





